Basildon Road Surgery is committed to ensuring that patients are involved in decisions about the range and quality of services provided by our practice. We routinely ask for and act on the views of our registered patients. This includes involving our patients in decisions that lead to changes to the services we provide, either directly or in our capacity as gatekeeper to other services.
We engage patients through the use of Patient Participation Groups (PPGs) and seek views from wider groups of practice patients through regular local practice surveys. The outcomes of the engagement and the views of our patients are routinely published on this website.
Scheduled meetings will be advertised in the waiting room: any suggestions please leave in writing at reception. If you wish to join the forum, please contact Sarah Robertson.
If you are interested in becoming a member of our Patient Participation Group and helping to shape the nature of health services provided in your local community, please complete the Patient Participation Group Registration form.
Our next PPG Meeting which will be 18th December from 1.30 – 2.30 patients can join via Microsoft Teams if they would prefer using
Meeting ID: 363 608 748 758 and Passcode tY9xU2HY.
Please see the poster for more information